Summer 1 s.jpg 

受邀至英國朋友Andrew 和Karen 家過純英式聖誕節

Spent Xmas day at our British friend's Andrew & Karen.



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平常很優雅的Ella 拆禮物拆得披頭散髮,連褲襪都變了形。

她完全展現長大後瘋狂血拼後拆戰利品的特質 ... 唉!女人!

Ella used to be elegant, but when she tried to open the gift ... look at her hair and tights.  She definitely showed the potential of her future -- checking up her trophy after the crazy shopping.  Oh! Woman!



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這兩個英國小女孩只要聽到 “拍照” 就自動往鏡頭對焦,看Ella 從廚房衝出來往相機狂奔的樣子 ...

Amber 則是擺出拍廣告的甜蜜笑容 ... 讓人心都融化了呢!

These two girls automatically focus on the camera when they hear "camera".  Ella was running out of the kitchen for the shot.  My heart has melted for Amber's sweet smile.



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烤火雞,烤馬鈴薯,蔓越莓醬和雪利酒 ... 比我在蘇格蘭和雪梨的聖誕大餐還經典!

Turkey, baked potatoes, cranberry sauce and Sherry... this Xmas dinner is even more typical than the ones I had in Scotland and Sydney!



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I wasn't drunk, the one who was drunk was the cat .....................................



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...............................還有 Ella!

...............................and Ella!




Three things I'm not able to reject in my life... wine, coffee and children.


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